
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh the Places You'll Go!

I've been overwhelmed lately by the goodness of God in my life.  I'm not sure what initiated it, but as I look back over my life, especially the time, since becoming a Christian, I'm blown away by how incredibly blessed I am.  Every area of my life, has been a gift.  I feel like a spoiled child, with my Heavenly Father, not only giving me more than I deserve but so much more than I could have ever dreamed for myself.  My life of course is not much different from anyone else's.  While I joke that "God loves everyone but I am His favourite," the truth is we are all His favourites, and He wants nothing more than to be able to bless us. In fact if we are following Him, we are being led on an incredibly beautiful journey that will see us being blessed as we bless others, all to His glory.

Of course like most people my life has had it's struggles. At times I've felt like I was drowning in struggles.  Others have heard me say, tongue in cheek, that I've had enough experiences to make up 3 lifetimes. Though I can see now, looking back, how even amidst the struggles, God was at work. While my bad choices or the poor choices of others, found me in difficult times, in the end God worked all things together for good, because I loved Him. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him" ~ Romans 8:28.  Not only that, but I recognize now how many of those struggles were actually blessings in disguise, things I would have never wished for, but needed. Two sayings come to mind, a classic Garth Brooks song "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers" and "Sometimes we are forced in directions we ought to have found for ourselves." I just need to be reminded every now and again, that He is God and I am not.  ""For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD." ~Isaiah 55:8

I'm a young pup, with hopefully many years ahead of me.  Sometimes I forget that, thinking that at 34, I've hit the top of the mountain and am now it's all downhill.  PFFF - Not hardly! God has assured me and I say with confidence "my best days are ahead!".  Watching the Mother Teresa movie the other night,  I realized to my delight that she did not receive her call to minister to the poor on the streets of Calcutta until she was 36 and then did not enter into that calling until she was 38.  "I know the planss I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future" ~Jeremiah 29:11.

Based on the incredible gifts and opportunities God has already afforded me, I can not even begin to imagine what He has in store for me. I need not, worry about tomorrow, because I am completely aware of God's generous hand in my life today!  God's past faithfulness in my life, is proof positive of His continued faithfulness in my future.  God has never left me or forsaken me, ever! "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." ~Deuteronomy 31:8. I can move forward knowing that He knows what is best for me.  If I place my trust in Him, even when I do not understand and walk in obedience, I will leave this earth having lived the best life possible.

What does the future hold in store? Long term only God knows for sure, so I am walking in faith and obedience, living out His call, in the here and now.  Currently I'm preparing to share a message and challenge that God has placed on my heart on Sunday morning April 11th.  I'm  excited because I know, it's of God and therefore has the potential to transform countless lives not to mention our community.

I also leave in June for India, having been invited to speak at a number of conferences and events. I am still in shock and awe that I have been given this opportunity.  If you are reading this and are so inclined, I ask you to join me in prayer.  Pray that God would prepare me and give me the words to speak. Pray for all those in attendance.   They are crying out for the change and transformation that comes from a real intimate love relationship with God, wanting it to start in one place and spread to every part of India, revolutionizing lives. 

Aside from what I already know I am called to do, I'm not going to waste time trying to figure out what my future holds, because I often do not even come close to understanding.  I am simply going to hold on to God and let Him lead me on the crazy trip called life.  While the ride might be bumpy at times and means going through some dark tunnels and even a few thorn patches it is all worth it, because God always brings us to the most glorious of places! Oh the places I've been and the places I'll go, I take comfort in knowing I don't go alone.

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